Sherrard McGonagle Tizzano & Lind is experienced in complex real estate matters both residential and commercial.
The need for legal advice when dealing with your real estate, often the most valuable asset you own, cannot be overstated. From the time that real estate is purchased or acquired, to the time it is sold, there are many legal issues that must be considered when dealing with residential or commercial property.
We can assist you in reviewing or drafting documents necessary to purchase or sell property, as well as documents to lease or develop property including purchase and sale agreements, rights of first refusal, security instruments, liens, deeds of trust and mortgages, and commercial and residential legal agreements. In the event that you own property with other owners, we can assist you in creating the structure for managing the property through co-tenancy agreements, real estate companies, or real estate trusts.
In addition, we help clients deal with:
Road and well maintenance agreements
HOA Documents
Related issues that may affect your real estate
If necessary, our firm can also handle real estate litigation such as boundary line disputes, encroachments, trespass, title disputes, adverse possession, evictions, and foreclosures.
Our firm regularly works with other local real estate professionals, such as realtors, escrow offices, limited practice officers, title officers, insurance companies, and County and City officials to ensure that your private property rights are protected and your potential liability is limited.
Call our office to set up a time to speak with one of our experienced attorneys.